Normally seen on an Interest Only loan, there are no payments of interest to be made by the borrower. Instead, the interest is added to the
principal loan balance (usually on a monthly basis) and will need to be repaid at the end of the loan term in one lump sum. This results in a
higher interest cost over the life of the loan when compared to serviced interest, because each month the principal loan amount is getting
bigger and bigger with the interest being added on. See the below table for a comparison:
$600,000 loan at 7.95% for 12 months
Serviced / Total Interest Cost: $47,700
Fully Capitalised: / Total Interest Cost: $49,488
Most lenders will calculate and disclose the estimated amount of capitalised interest for the term of the loan, often referred to as the
“Capitalised Interest Allowance”. It’s important to understand that this type of loan will result in the borrower owing the lender more
than they’ve actually borrowed, with the interest being added onto the principal loan amount every month.