SOS collects, holds and uses client information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.
All client information will be collected via the adviser. SOS will only collect information relevant to our business relationship with
the client.
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the adviser confirms that they have received satisfactory written authority from the client(s) to
provide the client’s information to lenders, product and service providers and associated parties (including SOS), in respect of assessing
eligibility for a home loan and/or other finance associated with the loan application.
We will limit the use of client information to:
- The carrying out of our business which includes obtaining loan approvals from non-bank lending institutions;
- Fulfilling our legal requirements (e.g. disclosure to law enforcement agencies or the courts);
- Fulfilling Audit and Compliance requirements.
SOS will not share, sell or trade any client information to any other company or person.
SOS will make all reasonable endeavours to ensure that client information is kept secure and confidential.
A client can access the client information SOS holds about them subject to certain legal exceptions (e.g. information relating to existing
or anticipated legal proceedings). A client can request that SOS change or correct information held by us by telephoning 021 949
772 or sending an email to